LMB Interiors offers residential interior design in the SF Bay Area, Danville, Hillsborough, Lafayette, Mill Valley, Oakland, Orinda, & Piedmont. LMB Interiors offers residential interior design in the SF Bay Area, Danville, Hillsborough, Lafayette, Mill Valley, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont. The show ran for whopping six weeks, but it ran my life for months. It also ran my ego straight into the ground, which, if I’m honest, wasn’t entirely bad thing. I’ve been trying to tame that voice in my head for years, the one that likes to convince me I’m too much while simultaneously whispering I’m not enough. Or for having my funniest, wittiest lines edited out so wouldn’t upstage the host. And if that wasn’t enough, went against my
SF Bay Area Residential Interior Design | LMB Interiors